[X4U] OS X migration tool

..lj darwin at ljsworld.com
Fri Mar 9 08:29:20 PST 2007

On Mar 9, 2007, at 07:00, Jens Selvig wrote:

> I have two working Macs running OS X 10.4.8. I use one for Mail,  
> Safari, and book keeping kind of tasks. The second computer has  
> been used for photo editing, etc. Can I use the migration tool to  
> move my Mail account and info over to the second Mac. I do have a  
> few duplicate applications between the computers. Just wondering  
> what happens besides the email getting moved. I am not concerned  
> with moving the book marks in Safari over.
> Is there a better way to do this?

You can tie the 2 computers together through a common network or with  
one in target mode. (~ indicates your home folder)

Just move the following files/folders

~/Library/Mail\ Downloads

And for the Address Book

~/Library/Application\ Support/AddressBook

And for Safari


And for Firefox

~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox


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