[X4U] Can this be done? Multiple DATA CDs > DVD?

Robert MacLeay robertmacleay at mac.com
Tue Mar 13 00:10:58 PDT 2007

On Thu, 8 Mar 2007 15:26:47 -0500, Mark Des Cotes <mark at astroprinting.com>

> We have an image collection on 48 CDs that we purchased many years
> ago (Image Explosion 750,000 to be precise) Some of the CDs are
> getting pretty worn with scratches. I could just duplicate them to
> new CDs but I was wondering if there was any way I could burn
> multiple CDs to a DVD so that when I insert the DVD 7 or 8 CDs would
> show up on the desktop? I know I could make disk images and burn a
> bunch of them onto each DVD but I was hoping to make it kind of like
> a sessions disk. One where you place on disk, in this case a DVD,
> into the drive and multiple disks would show up on the desktop. I'd
> like to do it this way since the application that comes with the
> image collection references the various CDs. I hope I haven't make my
> explanation too confusing.

I only have the "mamma bear" version -- 37 CDs with a paltry 525,000 images.
A couple years ago I copied them all to a hard disk.  This is the way to go;
can't you spare 30-odd MB of disk space on a production machine?

My CDs are organized into folders spanning multiple disks, so having them
all on a single HD actually matches the book better.  And Spotlight finds
file names sooo fast!

This also allows you to set up some Photoshop actions to create online
previews of all those thousands of preview-deprived eps files!  I did this
only for the more popular subjects.

Finally, there's a ton of bonus stuff that is not cataloged in the fat
book(s). Viewing these on a CD/DVD is an exercise in patience, but almost
practical on a fast drive.

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