You need to look into something like Wine then. This add-on allows you to run Windows based apps without actually having to run Windows. I really found running Windows under Parallels 'wanting'. Now running Windows with Bootcamp runs great. Try doing a bit more searching research on the web. You'll find that there are a lot of other options other than Parallels. But, what I did say at the end, I meant with all sincerity, sometimes just getting an actual PC is the perfect solution (But Never Get Rid of Your Mac!!) The prices for a PC are CHEAP and most (if not all now) will come pre-loaded with Vista. Have you looked at the price of an eMachine? Another thing to remember though, is that sharing files between a Mac and PC (despite what Microsoft says, or Apple) is not simple. With all the crappy AV software you have to run on the PC, it's practically impossible to do. I do speak from experience here. My wife has a laptop PC (now running Vista Business Edition) and since it's protected by Norton, you can't even get past the stupid thing. The only way we've successfully shared files is by burning a CD. OK, I didn't mean for this reply to go on so long, but another example: I have Vista Home Ultimate on the Mac Pro with McAffee AV running on it and IT can't even network with the one running Norton. It's been years since I seriously used a PC but how the average PC user shares files is beyond this simple Mac user. Mac networking is easy, PC networking is not....or at least not to me. Finally, I just mention this to illustrate my point above, before I switched over to the Mac, I was MCSE certified, but I haven't kept up with anything since 2000, so too much has changed. I'll stick to a Mac, thank you. Tim On May 2, 2007, at 7:33 PM, Randy B. Singer wrote: > > On May 2, 2007, at 2:48 PM, Tim Collier wrote: > >> If you're that desperate, just buy a PC. > > That really isn't a logical, or helpful, answer, Tim. > > I happen to have a recent Intel-based Macintosh. I need to run > just one Windows application. Running Windows on my Mac using > virtualization is a perfectly reasonable and economical solution > for this. Purchasing a PC to run one application is not. > > ___________________________________________ > Randy B. Singer > Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions) > > Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance > > ___________________________________________ > > > > _______________________________________________ > X4U mailing list > X4U at > > > Listmom is trying to clean out his closets! Vintage Mac and random > stuff: >