[X4U] Run Classic OS Apps On Intel-Macs!

Randy B. Singer randy at macattorney.com
Fri May 4 23:18:09 PDT 2007

On May 4, 2007, at 9:13 PM, Michael Elliott wrote:

> Looks like your link is already broken :-(

The all-in-one installer package is no longer available.  (And please  
don't write to ask me for a copy, I don't have one.)

Folks who want to use SheepShaver will have to download it from the  
SheepShaver home page (it is free):

And then they will have to pick up an old classic copy of the Mac OS  
from Apple:

The Mac ROM is just a file in later versions of OS 8 or 9.  You can  
find it in the System Folder.  You need a copy of Mac OS 8 or 9, or a  
Mac with a copy of OS 8 or 9 (including a copy of OS X's Restore  
disk, which has OS 9 on it), to get a copy of the Mac ROM file.

Randy B. Singer
Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions)

Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance

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