[X4U] Problems with SSH and VNC

Michael Elliott michaelelliott at mac.com
Mon May 7 16:36:56 PDT 2007


Do you use more than one e-mail account in Mail?  I primarily use my  
AOL account for day-to-day e-mail, but I use this .Mac account for  
this newsgroup and some others.  When I reply to a posting here, it  
always defaults to coming FROM my AOL account; hence, I get a bounce,  
since the AOL account is not registered on the discussion group.

When you reply to these posts, can you confirm that the account  
you're sending from is the one that's registered?

Example:  as I reply to this post right now, it has defaulted to  
sending from my AOL account. I have to manually select my other e- 
mail account to send from successfully.

On May 7, 2007, at 1:56 PM, Lynch Andrew wrote:

> Not sure which of these are getting through.  I'm getting a lot of  
> "waiting for moderator approval messages"
> I've disabled all the firewalls completely for testing.  I have  
> checked Remote Login...
> Cheers,
>    Drew

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