[X4U] Re: Re: printing in Mail without attachments

Mark Des Cotes lists at marksmandesign.ca
Tue May 22 20:07:11 PDT 2007

On 19-May-07, at 11:26 PM, Randy B. Singer wrote:

> On May 19, 2007, at 2:11 PM, Cornett wrote:
>> Why not; in Mail > Preferances > Viewing just uNcheck the 'Display  
>> Images..'
>> box, then quit Mail and reopen it, and all should be as is desired  
>> as far
>> as printing is concerned(+ an added gain in speed of mail  
>> displaying, and
>> perhaps a security gain of not loading spammer's 'phone home'  
>> images, to
>> boot:).
>> Unless I'm duh.. missing something. HTHs
> Maybe this preferences option existed in some earlier versions of  
> Mail, but in the latest version, at Mail > Preferances > Viewing,   
> it isn't there.  At least it isn't there in my copy of Mail.

Can someone using Panther or Jaguar confirm this? In Tiger it says  
'Display remote images in HTML messages' but I'm almost positive I  
remember a check box for 'Display Images' in an older version.

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