[X4U] Annoying popup links in Mail & Safari

Daly Jessup jessup at san.rr.com
Sat May 26 16:21:24 PDT 2007

At 3:25 PM -0700 5/26/07, Eddie Hargreaves wrote:
>On 5/26/07 12:18 PM, John Baltutis <baltwo at san.rr.com> wrote:

>  > Sorry for not being clear enough. AFAICT, the default tooltips setting in
>>  Safari is ON even if you don't get anything back for 
>>  in the plist. On my machine w/10.4.9, the tooltips are active in Safari even
>>  though there's no entry for WebKitShowsURLsInToolTips in the plist. Simple
>>  test is to quit Safari, move the current plist to the Desktop, relaunch
>>  Safari, and see if the tooltips work.
>Sorry to disagree, but the tooltips do not show for me even after using the
>default Safari plist. I left the cursor hovered over links for 30+ seconds
>and not once did I see a tooltip. Safari Version 2.0.4 (419.3)

Okay, I tried this. I quit Safari, moved its prefs to the Desktop, 
and relaunched it. I got no tooltips. I quit Safari again and ran:
defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitShowsURLsInToolTips 1
in Terminal.
Started Safari, and had tooltips.
I looked for tooltips in Safari on three other Macs where this 
setting has never been adjusted, and none of them have tooltips.

It seems to me that the default must actually be for tooltips to be OFF.


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