On 11/6/07 4:31 PM, Brett Conlon wrote: > Anyone else successfully printing to PDF with CS3/Leopard? tuaw mentions "unspecified problems with Acrobat 8.1": <http://www.tuaw.com/2007/10/28/adobe-updates-cs3-leopard-compatibility-info /> The third comment (after Sandee and Kris) mentions that the PDF isn't created -- sounds like your problem, from what you've mentioned of it: <http://blogs.adobe.com/indesignchannel/2007/10/indesign_and_leopard_update. html> Same for "bogu´s Machnik", last post. This guy says his tech support dude "had received many calls from people who were unable to create a PDF at all." <http://www.soky.biz/2007/10/adobe-acrobat-issue-on-leopard-new.asp> And a discussion in the Apple forums: <http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=5693590> peace, Linda