[X4U] Is there a Mac Pro list? (question about Windows under Boot Camp)

Michael Elliott michaelelliott at mac.com
Sat Nov 24 11:49:46 PST 2007

Let me guess. Web-based access to a PACS system?

If my email is short, it's because I'm emailing from my iPhone.

iPhone mail

On Nov 24, 2007, at 11:33 AM, Jim Robertson <jamesrob at sonic.net> wrote:

> Macintouch's detailed review of the Mac Pro talks about one problem  
> for
> those of us who must run Windows - the fact that Windows (including  
> Vista)
> still uses an ancient process for connecting the OS to the hard drive
> (BIOS). Apparently this affects the Mac Pro particularly, resulting  
> in VERY
> poor performance for applications that do lots of disk access, such as
> Photoshop.
> Macintouch's review was written quite some time ago, and there are  
> some
> discussions on Mac web forums suggesting that this problem has been  
> resolved
> with newer versions of Boot Camp, but I don't know for sure, and  
> when I
> asked at my local Apple Store, they basically said "duh..." or the
> equivalent when I showed them the Macintouch review at
> <http://www.macintouch.com/reviews/macpro/followup.html>
> (read the part about Boot Camp).
> I'm considering buying a computer to replace my PowerMac G5. I do a  
> fair
> amount in Photoshop (and will do it in the Mac OS with CS3), so I  
> don't want
> to step down in performance in the Mac OS (and I can take two of the  
> drives I have in the dual G5 into the Mac Pro), but I'm not keen on  
> having
> crippled Windows OS performance (my work requires me to run web based
> software that requires Internet Explorer for Windows - won't even  
> run in
> FireFox for Windows).
> Anyone have knowledge of whether this is still a problem with the  
> current
> version of Boot Camp in Leopard. Alternatively, anyone know if  
> there's a Mac
> Pro listserv akin to this one?
> Thanks so much,
> Jim Robertson
> -- 
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