[X4U] Disk Utility Errors...why?

John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Mon Nov 26 11:45:51 PST 2007

On 11/25/07, "Thomas Bulat" <tombulat at comcast.net> wrote:
> I'm hoping someone can help me understand what is going on with errors I
> am receiving when I do a restore from my internal drive's partition to a
> freshly formatted external FW Hard Drive Partition.
> I'm on an iMac G5 with a LaCie External FW Drive and am using X.4.11 Tiger.
> For years, I've been backing up by copying my internal HD disk
> partitions with the Disk Utility Restore Function to my FW attached
> External Drive.
> For a while, I've been getting an error during the process for one or
> more of the partitions on the external drive. Even this last attempt, when
> I created fresh partitions, on restoring the 3rd one (2 are ok), I got the

How are you creating fresh partitions? Are you erasing and repartitioning? Have
you ever used the zero out data security option?

> Restore Failure
> An error (22) occurred while copying (Invalid Argument)
> If I check the drive after getting this error, it has a disk problem error...
> Invalid B-tree node size
> but it cannot be repaired.
> This is driving me crazy.
> I can backup the partition using a Finder "copy"

No you can't. That doesn't copy the hidden OS X parts.

> but I want to know why a freshly formatted drive gives me this error.

I don't know, but have you checked the iMac's drive or the external HD while
booted with the install disk?

> How can I correct the situation?

See above.

> What exactly and why these errors. Anyone? Any ideas?

The error indicates disk directory problems. Disk Utility can't fix those;
however, DiskWarrior can.

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