[X4U] Spotlight and Google Desktop are both utterly useless...

Fred Terry pfterry at deadtrees.net
Wed Nov 28 06:16:49 PST 2007

Select Other from the leftmost pop-up menu in the criteria bar of the Find
window. When the Search Attributes window appears, check System Files. Then
when you select System Files and Include from the Criteria bar, the
com.apple.ActivityMonitor.plist file is found.

I found this at Matt Neuburg's TidBits page


Lots of other cool info about Leopard's search is there.


On 11/28/07 3:07 AM, "Jamie Kahn Genet" <lists at wizardling.geek.nz> wrote:

> ...if they're not searching my home library (under Leopard) :-( e.g. a
> search for 'com.apple.ActivityMonitor.plist' turns up NOTHING :-(
> Is there any DECENT search tool that will do this VERY basic thing???
> *highly frustrated look*
> Regards,
>  Jamie Kahn Genet

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