[X4U] HDTV with a Mac

Gene Steinberg gene at macnightowl.com
Thu Nov 29 17:14:46 PST 2007

On Nov 29, 2007, at 3:17 AM, Tim Collier wrote:

> It is true that after 2009, anybody who still has an analog TV will  
> need to purchase a converter as all TV signals will be broadcast in  
> HD.

No it is not true. All TV signals will be broadcast in digital, which  
is not necessarily HD but includes standard definition as well.

There will still be separate SD and HD versions for the people who  
haven't bought the latter.

_ _ _ _
Gene Steinberg
Publisher/Editor, The Mac Night Owl
Host, The Tech Night Owl LIVE
Co-host, The Paracast
Co-author, "Attack of the Rockoids"

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