[X4U] Countdown to Leopard

Zane H. Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Fri Oct 19 15:08:49 PDT 2007

So, Leopard will be released this next week.  I'm curious what people are
doing to prepare.

As we currently have a G5 2x2 (my system) and a 2Ghz Core 2 Duo MacBook (my
wife's) I'm planning on getting the family pack and upgrading her system 
immediatly.  I need to get ClarisDraw running under SheepShaver, or another
emulator, before I upgrade my G5.  I've given up on trying to move off of
ClarisDraw, at least for the time being, and will instead try to simply run
it under emulation.

I need to look at some sort of external storage solution for a Time Machine
vault.  The problem being I need 1.5-2TB for the vault if I'm going to
protect everything, and still have multiple versions of files.  I'm open to
*cheap* suggestions for this.  Can the vault be spread over multiple
external drives?  I gather this is something that I can plug into the G5,
and it can be used by both the G5 and MacBook?

I am also looking into upgrading both systems to iLife '08 (family pack) and
adding a family pack .Mac membership.  I'm not sure about either of these
though, as we're happy with iLife '06, and I have my own mail and web

I'm actually fairly excited about 10.5, unlike 10.4 it has several features
I want.  While it takes away the ability to run Classic Mac app's, I'll
loose that when I finally upgrade to an Intel based system anyway.  Besides
once I find one of my older copies of the OS and get SheepShaver or another
emulator working, I can finally run some software I've not been able to run
in years. :^)

In spite of my excitement, I'll likely hold off on upgrading my own system
until sometime around the 10.5.1 - 10.5.4 timeframe.  I like stability more
than I like new features.


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