[X4U] Airport Extreme and AT&T/SBC

Robert Ameeti Robert at Ameeti.net
Sat Sep 1 19:07:37 PDT 2007

At 2:25 AM +0100, 9/2/07, Stroller wrote:

>On 1 Sep 2007, at 23:34, Ed Gould wrote:
>>I suppose someone else's wireless could be killing my signal how do you tell?
>In the past I've used KisMac for this. <http://kismac.macpirate.ch/>
>KisMac is a whole wireless (security) auditing suite and very 
>comprehensive - I think its full features are kinda overkill for 
>your purposes and that someone else write a simple stumber that 
>would be adequate - but when you start it up it shows a table of 
>which networks are detected & which channels they're on.
>Ideally, if your neighbour's wireless is on channel 11 then yours 
>should ideally be on channel 1, 4 or 8. I think that each channel 
>overlaps the two adjacent ones, so spacing should be 3 apart. 
>Different manufacturers of APs tend to choose different default 
>channels - 11 and 1 are the most common, so it's as equally likely 
>that packets from your neighbour's AP collide with yours as it is 
>that they cause no interference at all.

The channels should be 1, 6, & 11 with a 5 channel separation (in the U.S.)

Robert Ameeti

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