[X4U] Adobe CS3 Premium and G5 2x2?

Linda XPressoBean at mac.com
Mon Apr 7 17:02:53 PDT 2008

On 4/7/08 3:24 PM, Zane H. Healy wrote:

> Is anyone here using Adobe CS3 Premium on a dual 2Ghz G5 PowerMac?  I have
> 5.5GB RAM and am running Mac OS X 10.4.11.

Yes, I am using a dual 2.0GHz G5, Mac OS X 10.4.11, with 4GB RAM, as well as
Creative Suite 3 Premium.

There are times I wait -- usually switching between Photoshop and
Illustrator or Illustrator and InDesign -- but it's really just a pause.
Certainly workable, IMHO. I'm not planning to upgrade any time soon.

P.S. I was using CS3 with just 2GB RAM installed until I heard how cheap RAM
was recently. I bought it b/c it was inexpensive, not because I was fretting
over the response of CS3, if that helps.

In addition, I always have Entourage, Mail, and Thunderbird running, as well
as Acrobat 7 (I can't stand v8, so won't launch it) and XPress 6 and XPress
7, Word, and probably Excel. Plus Safari, Camino, and Firefox, all at once,
and Linotype Font Explorer X, and Preview, Fetch, and Console. So... it
might even run faster if I wasn't such a slob with open apps. :)

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