[X4U] iTunes playlist question

Kirk McElhearn kirkmc at mac.com
Thu Apr 17 13:55:18 PDT 2008

On Apr 17, 2008, at 9:59 PM, Colin wrote:

> I've been carefully compiling a long playlist over the past 4-5 week  
> and I appear to have deleted it in a moment's carelessness - I  
> intended to remove a few tracks, but I hadn't noticed that the focus  
> was on the Playlist column rather than the track details. Of course  
> there's no undo in iTunes! I'm backed up with Time Machine and  
> thought that the 'iTunes Music Library.xml' would contain the  
> required information - unfortunately time Machine doesn't appear to  
> back up this file. Can anybody help as this is going to be rather  
> frustrating if I can't salvage it. Thanks for any help you can give.

Curiously, Time Machine excludes that file from backups...

           Author of: The Mac OS X Command Line: Unix Under the Hood
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