[X4U] Make the Junk filter do a better job?

Ray Choiniere rfcee at earthlink.net
Thu Apr 17 16:26:57 PDT 2008

Just another quick vote of confidence for SpamSieve. I've been using  
it for quite a while, and after an initial training period (which was  
relatively painless) I almost never find any junk mail creeping in,  
nor any "good" mail slipping into the junk mail collection.

Ray C

> On Apr 17, 2008, at 13:02, nk wrote:
>> I've been tagging as Junk 5, 10, 20 of these things per day, and  
>> still they come...I've taken a look at the "Advanced" Button under  
>> the Junk Mail in Mail.app, and not sure the best way to start  
>> adding conditions, because "real" mail which you want can have   
>> some of the phrases these clowns use.
>> Anybody tinker with this and have successes to report?
>> thanks!
>> nk
> It's NOT worth your time.  Get SpamSieve - 2.6.6 for $30. It brings  
> sanity back to your inbox. It was stopping 1000 Spam Messages a day  
> and I was only seeing a handful each week. After using it for  
> years, I almost never even look in my Spam folder, because good  
> email doesn't seem to get there. I'm a very happy user.
> http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/16177
> ..lj

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