[X4U] Smart phones for Mac

David Ledger dledger at ivdcs.demon.co.uk
Wed Apr 23 00:53:38 PDT 2008

>From: Daly Jessup <jessup at san.rr.com>
>I have another question, not from your post. Someone said that the
>iPhone doesn't have a QWERTY "keyboard." Is that true? Yesterday I
>was waiting in the local mall for a jewelry repair so wandered (of
>course) to the Apple Store there. I played awhile with an iPod Touch
>and was surprised and pleased to see that it had a QWERTY "keyboard"
>I did not play with an iPhone. Is the iPhone's keybard different from
>the iPod  Touch?

QWERTY it has. 'board' is what it doesn't have. It's soft keys, like the Touch.


David Ledger - Freelance Unix Sysadmin in the UK.
HP-UX specialist of hpUG technical user group (www.hpug.org.uk)
david.ledger at ivdcs.co.uk

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