Murray, That's Apple's version of "quote level". Each line represents another generation of forwarding. I don't know of any way to turn that off completely, though there is probably a way to do it in However, you can change a preference setting so that your forwarding does not INCREASE the quote level. Under the "Mail" menu, choose preferences. Click on the "Composing" button in the toolbar of the preferences window that opens and then look for the line that says "Increase quote level" and remove the check that is in the box. It's under the "Responding" category. If you receive a mail that already has the line (obviously from a user) drag your cursor over the text that has the line and go up to the "Format" menu at the top of your screen and slide down to "Quote Level" and choose "Decrease". That command will usually remove the quote line from text but it doesn't always remove it from graphics/pictures. Cheers, John On Apr 23, 2008, at 11:25 PM, M.Milligan wrote: I have Apple Mail and use it with Leopard 2.1 I notice when I want to forward mail onto another person, vertical lines form before the first letter of each line of the message. Please tell me there's an easy way of removing these annoying looking critters? Murray Medicine Hat, AB _______________________________________________ X4U mailing list X4U at Seven Cent Deals - Great legacy stuff Great Legacy Pricehttp:// >