[X4U] How to turn off URL pop up in Safari?

Dave B DaveB_Lists_1004 at gto.net
Wed Feb 20 07:40:04 PST 2008

Tooltips. You wish to disable tooltips. Can't fault you for that, they  
can be quite the annoyance. Apple should give us that ability, but for  
what ever reason, they've made it a hidden preference. You will need  
to quit Safari, open Terminal.app and enter the following:

defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitShowsURLsInToolTips 0

Then press enter. If you wish to re-enable the Tooltips, change the 0  
to a 1.


I picked up a Magic 8 Ball the other day and it said "Outlook not so  
I said, "Sure, because Microsoft still ships it!"

On 19-Feb-08, at 20:54, Crandon David wrote:

> Hey Everyone,
> Can someone remind me how to turn off Safari's feature wear when  
> your curser is over a link a popup shows you the URL?
> Thanks,
> Dave
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