[X4U] E-Mail programs (Was: Users' judgments of the glossy screen?)

T.L. Miller tlmiller at mac.com
Wed Feb 27 09:40:53 PST 2008

On 2/27/08, at 9:31 AM, Randy B. Singer randy at macattorney.com said:

>However, even though I'm told that there have been some  
>substantial advances in terms of reliability for Entourage, it still  
>has one glaring, HUGE weakness, and that is that it keeps all of your  
>archived mail in one monolithic database.  If that database becomes  
>corrupted (as has been known to happen all too frequently), and it  
>cannot be rebuilt, you are SOL.  Once can work-around this by keeping  
>backups of one's database, but many folks prefer the security of  
>using a program like Mail, which keeps separate e-mail messages in  
>separate Finder-readable files.

That brings back memories of the heated discussions on the old Emailer
mail list when jud spencer said the last version of Emailer was going to
use a monolithic database. 

Tom Miller
"The only time we see the middle of the road is as  
we run from side to side." R.O.Clark 

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