[X4U] E-Mail programs (Was: Users' judgments of the glossy screen?)

Daly Jessup jessup at san.rr.com
Fri Feb 29 10:19:29 PST 2008

>On Feb 29, 2008, at 6:14 AM, Daly Jessup wrote:

>>Well, if they averaged 500k each, and if the data base really was 
>>25GB, that means you had saved about 50 billion messages.  That's a 
>>lot of email.

Ed answered:

>My calculations says 50 million. But in any case I did not have 
>either. I did keep 1 years worth of email  and a copy of every 
>message I sent.
>That is still quite a bit short of 25G . I am unable to account for 
>a 25G database. Aftyer 5 years I did start archiving the messages 

You're right. 50 million. I was counting a kb as "one" rather than as 
"a thousand," stupidly. But anyway, clearly something is funky there. 
Maybe you had exceeded the file-size limitations of the OS and were 
getting faulty data?


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