[X4U] Extra Applications folder

Daly Jessup jessup at san.rr.com
Fri Jan 11 04:34:37 PST 2008

>Just to complicate this issue a little:
>I have a TiPB 867 10.4.11, now about 5 years [?] old - last Ti model 
>anyway. for as long as I can remember I have had one Applications 
>folder in root which holds all the Apple OS - installed apps and a 
>few extras I have put there, and one "Applications" folder in my 
>Home [Users] folder which has never had anything in it. I presume 
>this folder was created upon OS installation. I have created a 
>separate folder called "My Apps" in ~Users/me in which I install all 
>the third party apps I like to play with. When I did this it created 
>just the standard Folder icon. I have never had any other users for 
>this computer. I don't know if I am expected to locate my 
>extra/third party apps in the Users "Applications" folder. Anyone 
>got an answer for this? Not doing so has had no detrimental effect 
>on the working of any app from either root Applications or My Apps. 
>What would happen if I deleted the User Applications folder?

You could delete the ~/Applications folder with no ill effect. Or you 
could move your "MYApps" items into it and delete MyApps. Nothing bad 
will happen either way.


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