[X4U] Re: 35mm Slide Scanner for OS X iMac

Ed Gould edgould1948 at comcast.net
Wed Jan 16 21:51:34 PST 2008

On Jan 16, 2008, at 8:37 PM, Technophobic_Tom at comcast.net wrote:

> Ed wrote:
>> Tom wrote:
>>>  Wow, that's a thousand slides scanned
>>>  for less than the cost of a scanner!
>> Yes, but read it closely. They send the slides to India. That  
>> means less jobs here. Cheap may be OK in some cases but don't  
>> forget to factor in the loss of jobs here. That leads to  
>> escalation of higher taxes and other unneeded people out of work  
>> conditions.
> It's a myth. The world economy is a closed system. What is India  
> going to do with dollar bills? They could always use them to  
> cushion their mattresses but ultimately they must submit them to  
> purchase U.S. goods. So you either mix photo chemicals or build  
> weapons. Besides the scanner won't be made by U.S. labor either.

Tell that tio the unemployed thousands that used to have jobs here  
and now the company employees people ov er in Inda. The people left  
here cannot find work except at a fast food restaurant.

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