On 01/19/08, Paul Moortgat <paul.moortgat at pandora.be> wrote: > > When I open a folder it's usually not in the way I closed it. Some I > prefer as icon view, others as list view. > Why can't Leopard remember it as I've set it? I hadn't this in > Tiger. Is this a bug? Finder->Help->MacHelp->search for 'foldeer view as" > And some folders when opened are in a small size. I've always to > click the green button to make it maximum. Open a window, CMD+J, select appropriate settings. If the problem persists, move the com.apple.finder.plist file to the Desktop, OPTION-click the Dock's Finder icon, and select Relaunch. Reset the Finder's preferences, and see if that fixes the problem. Maybe a trip to the Apple Discussions WRT Leopard <http://discussions.apple.com/category.jspa?categoryID=235> is in order. Most of your issues have threads addressing them.