> "I have to agree with Dave, the base model should be $800, not $1800." You guys are silly. Don't you think there is more to the price than "should". Don't you think that if Apple could sell it for under $1000 they would? Or should Apple be in the non-profit business of selling products for less than the cost + development costs? I am constantly astounded when people criticize Apple for its (usually) higher costs and in the same breath appreciate their integration and OS. These things cost lot of money to develop. There are a lot of guys who are paid well (as they should be) working way too hard to get everything right. When we see a breakdown of the parts cost of an iPhone or a MacBookAir, and then the predictable conclusion that Apple makes 40% (or some such) profit. This is SILLY. The lion's share of the cost is not the parts. It is the years of thought and design that go into it. I for one -- and I am not alone -- pay a premium for the design, the integration, the seamless workability and intelligence that goes into Apple products. And I want to pay this premium. The last thing I want is Apple to cut back and try and get something out the door for cheaper to satisfy the cheap side of the market. It would be the end of all that is good in Apple. You want a cheap ultra-portable, go with something other than Apple. They are out there. But they are not an Apple product with all that goes into that. Nuff said. S