[X4U] MW Expo; I'm underwhelmed

Wendy S. Austin wendy_austin at mac.com
Sun Jan 20 22:15:04 PST 2008


The weight reduction is one good thing.    The thickness  is equally  
as good for some situations.   For my husband - take a flight bag,  
associated paperwork, one company supplied ibm thinkpad, try to cram  
in a MacBook - adds up to a very full flight bag.    For me - after  
travelling so much for the last twenty years, the smaller the bag I  
can carry the better and if that allows me to get everything including  
a laptop into a carry on bag, that is worth it.

I will keep the MacBook Pro at home.


On 21 Jan 2008, at 10:03, Zane H. Healy wrote:

I am curious about one thing, everyone is interested in the weight  
aspect, shoot that's what interests me about it, that and the size.  
How many people care about the thickness (I don't)?  I think that part  
of why it costs so much is the thickness, yet I would think that if  
they'd gone a little thicker they could have saved money, and still  
come in at about the same weight.  That special CPU can't be cheap,  
and might be the reason for the $550-700 price difference.

Wendy Austin & Thomas Oswin
Pomponette via Surinam
Mauritius Island
Mob: +2302560182

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