[X4U] Attempt (albeit a small one) at a new thread...

Pete Zimowski petez at mac.com
Wed Jan 23 10:54:08 PST 2008

Not to try to change the subject, but did anyone at MWSF hear of a  
more specific date for the software update to enable all the cool new  
Apple TV Take 2 features?

I recently got an HDTV and am anxious to try out an HD movie rental  
from the IT(M)S.  I downloaded a 720p movie trailer from Apple's Movie  
Trailer site, moved it to the Apple TV, and it looks great on the  
Sony.  If the downloadable movies look that good I'll become a  
frequent renter.

So, anyone hear a launch date at the Expo?

Inquiring minds (brains, with money as well) want to know.



Oh, and Shawn, you're looking good in MacHeads: The Movie as well.


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