[X4U] End of the line for PPC support from Apple

Daly Jessup jessup at san.rr.com
Sun Jun 15 16:27:13 PDT 2008

>On 6/15/08 6:20 AM, Tim Collier wrote:
>>  I'm certain that there are very few people in the world who have not used a
>>  cell phone (well, let's say in North America and Europe).
>My husband and I don't have cell phones. My parents in law don't own any,
>nor do my parents. I have four friends who do not own cell phones and are
>not in a significant relationship with someone who owns a cell phone,
>Just anecdotal, but true. :)

I'm sure it will change. Our entire family got on cell phones, on the 
same Sprint account, when my father was moved to an assisted living 
facility, with a terrible form of Parkinson's disease. The family is 
very dispersed across the country. Our all being on the same network 
meant that we were all in very constant contact, and it meant that we 
were all able to gather there a week before he died, and again a few 
hours before he died. And now we are all able to be in touch with my 
mother soon to pass 86.

That is our particular situation. But for us, it has been a huge 
comfort to have each other a "click away" during this phase of life.

Besides dramatic stuff like that, it's very enjoyable for my husband 
to call after work and say he's at  a certain store and is there 
anything I need him to get.

Or for me to call from my car to tell a client and say I will be ten 
minutes late because of unexpected traffic.

Or to lose my friend or husband at a fair or big event and say, "I'm 
by the Apple booth - where are you?"

And on and on and on. We don't even use the calendar and internet and 
those types of features. Just having connectivity is very very nice. 
The big thing is having the whole family on the same account. It 
makes it very inexpensive and we can call each other any time, at no 
charge, anywhere in this country, in Canada, and a few other places.

Ours is anecdotal, and very usual, and also true. Unless, you are 
counting pennies every month, I think it's worth considering, to have 
a family account, even if a very basic one. All of us are aware of 
the limited minutes we buy for our shared account and we are careful 
to mainly only call each other or other people on Sprint during peak 
hours. So we pay very little, but get very much security and 


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