On Mar 11, 2008, at 10:58 AM, Richard Gilmore wrote: > My versions of Word 2008/04 won't show bullets on the Mac at all > even though > it shows a bullet and says "bullet" it comes up as a square box > even if it's > made on a Mac to start with and hasn't gone anywhere near a PC. I > don't > think it's a font issue especially with the people that I deal with > on the > PC (Win) end of things who have different fonts on their home > computers/laptops where their docs originated from yet their > bullets on > Win/PC never fail to work properly on our machines (which they need > to print > from). And the Mac bullets don't work at all. > > You can customize the bullets on Mac Word 2008 with Option-8 but > they don't > line up directly across from the list they are supposed to be > "bulleting" > the way "real" bullets do. This has proven to be an unacceptable > workaround > to our clients who use bullets mainly for resumes and are > incredibly fussy > and picky on how they want their resumes to look. From a marketing > standpoint this makes our Macs look poorly to our clients many of > who have > little exposure to Apple. > > > SNIP-------------- I have had similar issues with Word Perfect and indeed the bullets that WP supplies (or what WP uses) are really small. In WP I believe you have to create you own bullet in the size you want. I don't know zip about Word. I will have to admit it is *NOT* easy to figure out that it needs to be done. If you find someone that is a wizard in whatever word processing program don't bug them for every problem but keep them for the hard to diagnose problems like this. Buy them a lunch or dinner once or twice a year and only use them 2-3 times a year. Ed