[X4U] Transferred Text Edit files messed up

Doug McNutt douglist at macnauchtan.com
Tue Mar 11 13:14:16 PDT 2008

At 12:21 -0700 3/11/08, nk wrote:
>that could be...in one file in particular, I don't recall using any  bolding, but why would bolding, or some other rich text element  translate as this:
>pardtx720tx1440tx2160tx2880tx3600tx4320tx5040tx5760tx6480tx7200tx7920tx8 640qlqnatural
>I mean, that is a LOT of characters! maybe "tx" means text, and I see  a pattern of doubling of some of the numbers, but what actually is  that stuff?

That looks a lot like unicode-16 between tx tags.  Sigh.

TextEdit can be used to handle good old ASCII text even though Apple doesn't seem to want folks to do that.

Format menu "Make Plain Text" will probably do what you want.

BareBones offers a free version of BBEdit called Text Wrangler. If you do much with ASCII it's worth a look.


--> From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. <--

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