[X4U] Mozy backup service referrals seem a nifty idea

Ed Gould edgould1948 at comcast.net
Sun May 4 13:47:38 PDT 2008

On May 4, 2008, at 1:13 PM, Daly Jessup wrote:

> -----------------SNIP--------------
> I would like to hear from someone who is actually doing that. In my  
> own case, transferring files over our local network is slow enough  
> that I can't even imagine trying to regularly back up over the net  
> to a remote computer. I would think that the effort would pretty  
> much keep my computer busy a great deal of the time. But I've never  
> seen it in action, so would love to hear someone else's experience  
> with it.
> I assume you would just back up your Documents folder that way, or  
> something like that?
> Daly
> ----------------------

I was thinking of doing this but then while I was talking to a friend  
he said even with DSL the upload speed is a lot lower than the  
download speed.
It also depends (so I am told) by your provider so before signing up  
find how fast the upload speed is with your provider.


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