[X4U] New Trojan threatens Macs with installer...

Shawn King shawn at yourmaclifeshow.com
Sun Nov 23 09:12:47 PST 2008

On 11/23/08 5:31 PM, "Robert Ameeti" <robert at ameeti.net> wrote:

> At 5:05 PM +0100, 11/23/08, Kirk McElhearn wrote:
>> I think you mentioned the MP3 thing as something
>> they did wrong - if so, then why did Apple make
>> a change to the OS to prevent that type of
>> malware from functioning?
> Apple should fix any security hole, regardless of
> the likelihood of it being used.

In a perfect world, yes. But Apple makes a judgment call regarding threats
and their costs, both in PR and personnel time/energy as to whether or not
they will fix various "holes" and how fast they are patched.
Shawn King
Host/Executive Producer
Your Mac Life

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