[X4U] Need Power supply for Dual G4

Ed Gould edgould1948 at comcast.net
Sat Oct 4 14:02:12 PDT 2008

On Oct 4, 2008, at 5:28 AM, Linda wrote:

> On 10/3/08 10:19 PM, Ed Gould wrote:
>> I popped out the old one and put the new one in reconnected 1 or 2
>> cables and powered it back up. All in less that 15 minutes. Ever
>> since then I was never afraid to touch the "workings" inside a PC.
>> Mac on the other hand, I have a friend who did a CPU upgrade and it
>> went OK but failed after 6 or so months. I have looked inside a bit
>> on my G5 and would be afraid to touch anything.
> Yeah, there are a lot of things we do inside our Macs -- we are pretty
> fearless -- but this was outside her comfort level given the  
> possibility of
> electric shock. Kbase articles like this one (which isn't for HER  
> exact
> computer) <http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=95064>  
> convinced
> her to go to the shop. Something about seeing the word DANGER! in  
> red on the
> page.
> ~Linda


I agree and the power supply was *WAY* outside of my comfort limit.  
When I saw how easy it was to pop it out I figured I didn't have  
anything to loose.
My thinking was a little bit clouded as I did not remember that the  
power supply might have some stored electrical energy left in it (I  
should have remembered basic science) but it was the furtherest thing  
from my mind. I guess I was naive enough to think if there was a  
danger the instructions would have mentioned.
You are 100 percent correct, that one should not  go blindly into  
such an endeavor like I did.
I was extremely prod of myself for doing this what turned out to be a  
simple task on an IBM pc. But as I said earlier the MAC looks a lot  
different inside than the PC did.


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