[X4U] Damn Comcast

richardstoddard at mac.com richardstoddard at mac.com
Thu Oct 9 11:17:03 PDT 2008

On Oct 8, 2008, at 3:11 PM, David Brostoff wrote:

> Since you say you have been using port 587, I am not sure why you  
> are having a problem, though.

I received the letter this morning. Since I'd seen this chain, I
immediately tried port 587, but it didn't work. I tried their OneClick
solution, but it never did load. I called them over the lunch hour, and was
told that I should stop using my client (GyazMail), but had no idea what
port I should use when I told them 587 wasn't working. Don't know if this
is relevant, but it's the smtp.mac.com server I'm trying to connect with,
not Comcast's. Any advice?

BTW - Quite appropriately SpamSieve sent the letter to my junk folder. :-)

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