[X4U] User ID problem

Doug McNutt douglist at macnauchtan.com
Sun Oct 19 13:04:34 PDT 2008

At 11:46 -0500 10/19/08, Russell McGaha wrote:
>	Longer answer; normally I just use ccc to move to a new HD. 
>This  time since I had some networking troubles that, after talking 
>to some  fellow ASP's and research on the support boards, needed 
>some harsher  methods, I did a backup, a repair permissions, and 
>then an archive  and install, and that left the ownerships royally 
>.... messed up.
>	CHOWN, and CHMOD, are good for single files and folders; but 
>not so  good on an whole HD.
>	An archive and install is NOT SUPPOSED to change your UID. 
>This is  only the second time I've seen this kind of a mess, the 
>other time  was on a Leopard, which is MUCH easier to mess up 
>because of the  extended permissions.
>	I was hoping for someway to set items with an UID of, say 
>504, to  502 on a whole HD.  I guess I'll just have to do it on a 
>chase by  chase basis; though doing the /tmp directories and such 
>will be more  of a challenge.

It took some effort some time ago to set restrictive permissions on a 
few directories using the recursive capabilities of chmod.  I'm 
afraid to make changes without testing so here is one that works. It 
uses tcsh.

# begin copy
set report = $HEAO/permissions.txt
date > $report
foreach xxx ($HEAO $ECHO $SKYLAB)
	cd $xxx
	echo >> $report
	pwd >> $report
	sudo  chmod -R 600 * < $HOME/Pword >& /dev/null
	sudo chmod -R u+X * < $HOME/Pword >& /dev/null
	sudo chmod -R u+x *.pl < $HOME/Pword >& /dev/null
	sudo chmod -R u+x *.app < $HOME/Pword >& /dev/null
	ls -laR  >> $report
bbedit $report
# end copy

chown has similar features and you can make changes from more to less 
restrictive in my script. Note the use of +X (upper case) which has 
special features so it applies to directories only.

--> From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. <--

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