[X4U] Time Machine Question

Neil Laubenthal neil at laubenthal.net
Fri Oct 31 07:35:32 PDT 2008

Quoting Joe Sporleder <joe at wacondatrader.com>:

> A MacOS X Server has to be running Leopard to be used as a Time Machine
> backup location, correct? My Tiger Server on an old PowerMac G5 is
> working great - mainly file serving and email, and very, very little
> web serving.

It needs to be running Leopard, Server is not required. Leopard client  
can also do mail and web serving pretty easily.

The Time Capsule can support multiple Time Machine clients . . .if  
space becomes an issue I believe the USB port can be used for drives  
but I'm not sure that they can be used for Time Machine as opposed to  
just Airdisks (if that term still applies).

I get around the size issue by not bothering to Time Machine the  
system and application files on the laptops my wife and I use . . .all  
that gets backed up is /Users, the shared /Music folder, and the /Junk  
folder which is the standard download and catch all location. My iMac  
file server has it's own dedicated Time Machine drive and doesn't back  
up over the network.


There are only three kinds of stress . . .your basic nuclear stress, cooking
stress, and A$$ho1e stress. The key to relating them is . . . Jello.


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