Rod: The last time I ordered a computer from Apple I asked for 4GB in additional memory. Imagine my "surprise" when I found 8 512M installed. Myself I would not get any memory from Apple and buy the memory yourself. The price is better because the 512M chips are essentially worthless. My opinion. Ed On Apr 23, 2009, at 6:34 PM, Rod Buchanan wrote: > > I'm thinking about picking up a base-level Mac Mini. I plan to use > it (along with an external FW800 drive of some kind) primarily as a > family iTunes server, but may run MySQL/Apache to do some web > development. I'm debating whether to get it with 2GB or 4GB > memory. I have performed memory upgrades on many a PC and Mac, but > I have no desire to crack one of these open, so I will be getting > it from Apple with memory installed. Since I can turn MySQL/Apache > on/off as needed, I'm thinking that 2GB will be plenty. > > Thoughts? > > -- > Rod > > We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million > typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of > Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the internet, we know this is not true. > -- Robert Wilensky > > _______________________________________________ > X4U mailing list > X4U at > > > Seven Cent Deals - Great legacy stuff Great Legacy Pricehttp:// >