Ed Gould wrote: >>>Can pages be made to sort the columns, so the medications are in >>>reasonably close alpa sequence? >>>It would seem straight forward that one should be able to do. I am >>>pretty sure WP can do it (I will have to admit I have not tried it >>>but somewhere back in the mists they had a facility to do so. Rod Buchanan answered: >>Pages '09 can. Enter >> sort table >>under the Help menu for instructions. And I told the exact procedures using the Inspector. Ed replied: >Hmmm I am running 1.0.2 of pages there seems to be no sort option in mine:( Okay, my answer was based on version 4.0 from iWord 09. You did not give us your version in your orignal query. Maybe it doesn't have that ability, 3 versions back. But you can still do it in Numbers if you wish, and just copy all your text stuff into text fields in the Numbers document. Meanwhile, your medications spreadsheet can be a spreadsheet item in the Numbers document, and you can certainly sort easily in Numbers. Just switch all your information from Pages to Numbers, and all should be well. Daly ----------------------