[X4U] re recent thread on paypal phishing emails

Ronald Steinke ronsteinke at mac.com
Tue Mar 17 21:05:37 PDT 2009

On Mar 17, 2009, at 6:27 PM, Daly Jessup wrote:

> Just delete them. They are spam, nothing more, nothing less.

But, if you don't report them to the approproate company, they will  
never know about the attempt and cannot take any action against the  
person(s) that sent the phishing message in the first place.

It doesn't take much effort to send in a report and it might help to  
stop the problem in the end. I always try to forward that type of  
message to the company so they will know about the attempt.

If they don't react to the attempt, that is beyond my control.

To be sure, I never respond to any message that asks for personal  
account information unless I can verify that it came from the actual  
company involved.

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