[X4U] Mail confirmation

Craig Finseth fin at helium.iphouse.net
Sat Apr 10 07:03:23 PDT 2010

   >> Is it possible to get informed that the other received your mail?
   >> Like an automatic reply when he/she open that mail?
   > They would have to have software that would do that. I think you usually
   > (only?) find that on an intranet -- like within a company or institution.

   Are you thinking about a Return Receipt perhaps? This is a "FEATURE" 
   introduced by Microsoft in Outlook and overused and abused by the vast 
   majority of drones in large organisations who have nothing better to do 
   than make life more difficult for the few of us who try to keep the 

Microsoft didn't invent it: it was part of the SMTP standard.  Outlook
did make it popular, unfortunately.

Most mail clients can be set to disable replies.

Due to bugs and oddities in the mail system, receipts can be generated
without the recpient ever seeing them and recipients can read them
without generating receipts.

I've been maintaining mail systems for over 20 years, and the only
good use that I can think of for them is automated testing of mail
servers and clients, where you can configure the test accouts as needed.


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