[X4U] Display Port Without the Apple Tax?

Gene Steinberg gene at technightowl.com
Mon Aug 2 13:00:28 PDT 2010

And the 27-inch display is competitive in pricing, much to the surprise of the skeptics. 


On Aug 2, 2010, at 12:53 PM, Kirk McElhearn <kirkmc at mac.com> wrote:

> On Aug 2, 2010, at 9:46 PM, Joe Sporleder wrote:
>> Is the new $999 27" LED from Apple worth the price (or the 24" at a clearance price of $799)? Anyone on this list use a displayport capable LCD screen besides Apple's offerings? I have a project where the new MacPro would be perfect to run with 3 screens - two screens for layout and the 3rd screen for a Filemaker ad tracking database.
> A couple of years ago, I wanted to upgrade from a 20" screen (an old Apple I got from a friend) to a 24". I found that the better Dells (they may displays in two price ranges) were said to be very good (and much cheaper than Apple displays). I got one, and was never really happy: the fonts aren't crisp, and it's very hard to get the colors calibrated correctly.
> A couple of months ago, I got an Apple 24" display on loan from Apple (for some stuff I'm writing). I'm amazed at how much better it is. While I couldn't justify the price of their 30", I'm going to order the new 27" as soon as it's available.
> Kirk
> Kirkville -- http://www.mcelhearn.com
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