[X4U] Something new

scott-xlists at scotist.com scott-xlists at scotist.com
Fri Jun 11 10:16:39 PDT 2010

On Jun 11, 2010, at 9:05 AM, Murray E. Milligan wrote:

> I am using OS 10.5.8 and I've noticed something new happending in my Mail 3.9.
> When I go to forward the message on to other folks, I used Mail > Services > Mail > Send to.
> Lately I'm getting a black rectangular box around the portion of themail I want to forward.
> I don't recall this ocurring before.
> What is it? Have I toggeled something in error? Can I turn it "off".
> Will some kind sould help me please?

I get that too. It's for editing use - theoretically, different sections would have different black boxes, so you could remove some at will before sending. The black box does not appear in the forwarding email when it is received. 

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