[X4U] Stolen iPhone

Robert Ameeti robert at ameeti.net
Wed Apr 13 09:21:21 PDT 2011

Ok. Curious because even though I am no in a high 
theft environment, my phone is either in my hand 
or in my pocket. It really doesn't go anywhere 
else. Perhaps when I am sleeping but that is 
about it. It doesn't sit on tables or anywhere 
within reach of others.

At 9:08 AM +0200, 4/13/11, Roy v.d. Westhuizen wrote:

>Hi Robert, my expression "a slick sting 
>operation" was intended to denote that the theft 
>was planned and well executed, not just a 
>whim-of-the-moment theft. There was loud music 
>playing in the alley outside the toilet, 
>something I had never heard before and went to 
>investigate. I believe he had an accomplice. We 
>later heard from the Police that  a gang was 
>lifting laptops and phones.


Robert Ameeti - ePro® 
MailTo:robert at ameeti.net
(949) 422-6866   FAX (267) 222-6866
PC & Mac computer specialist

A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is a visible labor and there is an invisible labor.
-- Victor Hugo

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