[X4U] Bad DVD drive

Paul Moortgat paul.moortgat at pandora.be
Sun Apr 24 09:30:55 PDT 2011

I just opened my Mac Pro and the present DVD has a 1.5(?) inch wide  
connector attached to it and it has a free second one.
It seems very difficult to use a SATA as a second one.  Nice done from  
Apple to still use IDE when SATA was in use for a long time.
They must have had a large stock to get rid off.
P.S. Still no speed limit in Montana?

Paul Moortgat

On 23 Apr 2011, at 18:06, Jens Selvig wrote:

> I recently had the same problem.  I purchased an SATA DVD drive for  
> my replacement. It was about USD $30. I had to get two cables, a  
> power adapter for the SATA power plug and also a SATA cable. On my  
> Mac Pro, the SATA cables with a right angle connector on one end  
> work best. There are tutorials on the net for the take apart of the  
> computer.
> Jens
> On Apr 23, 2011, at 9:04 AM, Paul Moortgat wrote:
>> The DVD drive of my Mac Pro seems to have problems.  It's sometimes  
>> impossible to read a disk.  But suddenly it works.  I think it  
>> start to fail.
>> Which Pioneer could you recommend as replacement?
>> Paul Moortgat
> Jens Selvig
> ...Lost in Montana...

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