[X4U] Bonjour too chatty?

Randy B. Singer randy at macattorney.com
Sat Feb 5 00:38:08 PST 2011

On Feb 3, 2011, at 2:48 PM, Joe Sporleder wrote:

> He also says that Bonjour is way too chatty and causes management  
> and performance headaches, especially on larger networks like one  
> might find at a college campus. Is his beef with Bonjour  
> legitimate? He claims it is hard to turn off because it is so  
> ambiguous with a lot of Apple's software (like iTunes), and  
> printers that support  Bonjour networking.

If you really feel that you need to turn off Bonjour, you can do so  
in the terminal with this command:

launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.afp548.mover.plist
Or you could set your firewall to block port 5353.


I've never heard anyone complain that Bonjour was too chatty.  A few  
folks used to complain that AppleTalk was too chatty, but that was  
hotly disputed:


Randy B. Singer • Mac OS X Routine Maintenance • http:// 

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