For video one use usually DVD-R disks. Paul Moortgat On 06 Feb 2011, at 19:25, John Erdman wrote: > I'm trying to make a video DVD that I can play on my TV with my > regular DVD player that is connected directly to the TV. > > I've got my files ready to burn. I've never been able to get all the > way thru the process. I run into problems in the burning process. It > seems to be related to the amount of storage capacity on the new > disk. And it don't make no never mind whether I'm working in OS X > or Bootcamp. > > > > I'm using brand new Sony DVD+R disks. They're labelled as having 4.7 > GB capacity and 1X-16X speeds. And when I try to burn the disks I > get error messages that 1) the disks are already used (sometimes) > and 2)That there is not enough space. > > Despite the data included with the spindle of unused disks, > Bootcamp says that the amount of space available is 1.57GB, and in > OSX Info shows the available capacity is a whopping 3.32 GB. > Trouble is, I need at least 3.7GB to do this job of writing video > files. > > What's happening? Does this mean that the 4.7GB is not really > available. What do I need to do to get this done? > > Thanks > > > John > Stock 24" Core 2 Duo Intel iMac with Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-KO6 > OS X 10.6.6