On Jan 14, 2011, at 6:52 AM, Randy B. Singer wrote: >> >> <http://www.securemac.com/boonana/> > > SecureMac shouldn't be taken as a reliable source for information about malware. (The like to lie alot.) Indeed. And they don't seem to know very much about malware anyway. > > OSX/Koobface.A, aka Boonana, is intended to be a worm, but this bit of malware doesn't work correctly, and even if you are infected apparently there will be no serious damage. You can turn off Java (not JavaScript, which is different) if you are afraid you might get this malware. You don't need to turn of Java, just pay attention to alerts: <http://blog.intego.com/2010/10/27/intego-security-memo-trojan-horse-osxkoobface-a-affects-mac-os-x-mac-koobface-variant-spreads-via-facebook-twitter-and-more/> Kirk *Author of Take Control of iTunes 10: The FAQ* http://www.mcelhearn.com/itunes Twitter: @mcelhearn