[X4U] How to clone a Bootcamp + Mac HD?

Zane H. Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Sun Jan 16 15:25:19 PST 2011

At 3:04 PM -0800 12/12/10, Zane H. Healy wrote:
>Is there anything special that needs to be done in order to clone a 
>laptop hard drive with both Mac and Windows partitions on it?  It's 
>running 10.4.11 and the original public release of Bootcamp (IIRC, 
>this was a beta version).

Since it looks like the list might have had a little life breathed 
back into it, I figure I should answer my own question.

Use "Carbon Copy Cloner" to clone the 'old' drive to the 'new' drive. 
Upgrade the new drive to 10.6.6 and install parallels desktop.  Tell 
Parallels to copy the Bootcamp partition to a virtual machine, and 
then let Parallels chew on that for while.

Then shutdown, swap hard drives, and boot off new hd.  Suddenly a 
system that was a kludge to run Windows, can now do it with flair, 
and I have a very happy user (this worked out well enough that if I'm 
lucky they won't procrastinate so long the next time).


| Zane H. Healy                    | UNIX Systems Administrator |
| healyzh at aracnet.com              | OpenVMS Enthusiast         |
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