[X4U] Scanning slides

Zane H. Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Sat Jan 29 15:19:16 PST 2011

At 3:03 PM -0800 1/29/11, Al Grappone wrote:
>In process of scanning slides. After scanning I use Photoshop 
>Elements 3 to batch enhance. Some are still too dark. I tried using 
>adjusting copy and moving sliders. When i am finished they are worse 
>than original. What is the procedure for using the sliders? Is there 
>a reasonable app out there for novices like me to adjust the picture?

What kind of scanner are you using, and what software are you doing 
the scans with?

Thanks to upgrading to a new Mac Pro which runs 10.6 I had to replace 
my scanner software as EpsonScan for the old Epson 2450 I'm using 
won't run on 10.6.  There might also be issues with the Nikon scanner 
software for the Nikon Coolscan IV ED I use.  Anyway, I purchased a 
license for VueScan and am really liking the results I get.  Just 
before I upgraded I was trying to scan a roll of 120 Fuji Velvia 50 
slide film I shot last August.  I wasn't happy with the results I was 
getting with EpsonScan.  I ended up rescanning the whole roll with 
VueScan, and got great results.

I'm not sure what Photoshop Elements 3 is capable of, but one trick I 
had to use a lot prior to switching to VueScan was to add a Levels 
layer, and tweak the histogram.


| Zane H. Healy                    | UNIX Systems Administrator |
| healyzh at aracnet.com              | OpenVMS Enthusiast         |
|                                  | Photographer               |
|                     My flickr Photostream                     |
|          http://www.flickr.com/photos/33848088@N03/           |

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